How to Manage Dental Anxiety in Children?
It’s typical for kids to experience anxiety or tension when they see a pediatric dentist. Since many adults experience the same emotions, you can only image how overwhelming it may be for children. In order to help kids manage their feelings and have a great experience at every pediatric dentist appointment, here are some questions and answers on dental anxiety.
What can be defined as dental phobia?
Dental phobia is a dread of dentists that can strike both adults and children. Dentophobia is the clinical word used to describe this disorder. An extension of the phobia, dental anxiety can also result from this dread.
An individual suffering from dental anxiety may experience uneasiness, fear, and anxiety. A patient may also become combative, agitated, and uncooperative as defensive measures.
Even though a lot of people might not enjoy seeing the dentist, they don’t always feel scared, anxious, or panicked about it. Some kids find the thought of having dental work done to be downright terrifying. Before seeing a dentist, they could experience genuine panic attacks. If these uncomfortable emotions are not controlled, they could eventually turn into a phobia (dentophobia or odontophobia).
Researchers have found a link between dental dread and unpleasant dental visit experiences, per a clinical investigation on dental anxiety in children¹. Children may also pick up dental anxiety and worry from the way their parents or siblings treat the dentist. In conclusion, negative dental experiences can have long-term negative effects on both you and your children.
How to prevent dental anxiety?
In general, it’s a good idea to address dental anxiety in youngsters by being upfront and honest with them. A child who knows what is going and why is more likely to get through the operation without major issues or stress because it’s human nature to be afraid of the unknown. Here are a few strategies for avoiding dental anxiety.
1. Schedule dental appointments in advance
As soon as possible, parents should begin taking their children to the dentist. It is best if your youngster begins visiting a dentist as soon as possible. Children who start going to the dentist around the time they obtain their first teeth are less likely to have dental anxiety as children.
2. Choose a Dentist They Appreciate
Choose a pediatric dentist who makes your child feel at peace and at ease. Your child is more likely to have a negative dental experience if they don’t like their dentist, which could ultimately result in dentophobia.
3. Discuss with them
Children should be encouraged to ask questions about what to expect from their parents. Don’t be afraid to address your children’s inquiries about seeing the dentist or what to anticipate. They may approach the dentist differently as adults if they believe you are lying or withholding information from them. Calming a nervous patient can be achieved by taking your time and explaining the operation in detail beforehand.
Make sure you respond to inquiries truthfully. Don’t go into depth about all the potential drawbacks of dental procedures, such as the need for fillings. If you do this, your youngster can develop a fear of the dentist.
What are the possible ways to make my children comfortable at the dentist?
Here are some suggestions for calming your child’s anxiety both before and during the dental visit:
· Bring a phone or tablet, or anything else that will divert their attention, to their dental appointment.
· Allow them to bring any solace they need, such as a blanket, plush animal, fidget spinner, etc.
· Engage in relaxation exercises, such as deep breathing.
· Give concrete prizes for good reinforcement, such as ice cream after the visit.
· Show your child that you are here and that you will be with them at all times.
· Engage them in finger-based activities where they can react to your inquiries.
· Bring headphones if they enjoy listening to music so they may use your phone’s music library while they are being examined.
· By using a soothing, quiet voice, you can assist them in maintaining their composure.
The Conclusion
Looking for a pediatric dentist for you child? Federal Way Pediatric Dentistry is a pediatric dental practice specializing in treating infants, children and teenagers. Their approach to oral health and dental care evolves along with the child meeting them step by step as they blossom from infancy to adolescence.
Disclaimer- The information provided in this content is just for educational purposes and is written by a professional writer. Consult us to know more about managing dental anxiety in children.